Alright, so this is the first, test entry on the blog. Welcome, more content to follow soon. Meanwhile I’ll just put a random code snippet here to have a cheat sheet for later. And also to see how it looks like rendered.

/// [Actuator]
// Actuator controls machines on a specific infrastructure. All
// methods should be idempotent unless otherwise specified.
type Actuator interface {
	// Create the machine.
	Create(context.Context, *machinev1.Machine) error
	// Delete the machine. If no error is returned, it is assumed that all dependent resources have been cleaned up.
	Delete(context.Context, *machinev1.Machine) error
	// Update the machine to the provided definition.
	Update(context.Context, *machinev1.Machine) error
	// Checks if the machine currently exists.
	Exists(context.Context, *machinev1.Machine) (bool, error)